Top 5 Underrated Fast Food Burgers

Posted on June 03, 2021

Sammy Feelgood

 Wow, it has been a long journey to find the abolute top 5 underrated burgers. Over the last 6 months I have spent over $1,000 American dollars and have gained 20 pounds to find the answer. (That isn't true but imagine how valuable my opinion would be if it was.)

I was originally going to do a 'Top 10' list, but on my journey I realized there were only 5 that were underrated. The rest were over or accurately rated. Here we go!

5. Wendy's -- Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger

This is a classic burger that many underestimate due to it being found on the 'value menu'. It will satisfy every single bud on that tongue of yours! And at only 380 calories, it's practically healthy!

4. Culver's -- Mushroom & Swiss Burger

That's right, mushrooms! You know, the things that may or may not prevent cognitive decline? Here is a burger that celebrates this superfood by serving it on top of some tasty cheese and beef. Affectionately known as the ol' Mushy Swiss.

If you "don't like mushrooms", then take solace in the fact that everyone is wrong sometimes, nobody's perfect. I implore you to give it a shot, and if you still don't like it then you can always tell me you told me so.

3. Five Guys -- Little Hamburger

The only hamburger on the list, but don't let that scare you off. True, most hamburgers are inferior to cheeseburgers, but with all the toppings available at Five Guys you won't even notice the lack of cheese!

This is also underrated due to Five Guys' marketing technique that demeans the burger with the 'Little' prefix. At 540 calorites, there is nothing little about it! Don't fall prey to their corporate trickery, order a Little Hamburger with your chest held high!

2. In-N-Out -- Cheeseburger (Animal-Style)

That's right, the Cheeseburger, not the Double-Double! One In-N-Out patty is sufficient for most consumers. Sure a second patty sounds appetizing but in a blind taste test people can't tell a difference. Sitting at a healthy 480 calories, this is one burger you won't mind putting "In-N-Out" of your mouth.

1. DelTaco -- Double Del Cheeseburger

I can hear some of you saying "A burger from a taco place?? How good can that be? C'mon, pick a food style!" Congratulations, you just proved why this burger should be at the top of this list. Plus, it looks ugly. That's why this is the most underrated burger.